
Department’s Academic Advisers

According to a decision of the Department’s Assembly, the Academic Advisers for the Department are:
For students in their first year of studies:
Theodoros Monovasilis, Professor
Aspasia Vlachvei, Professor
Melina Dritsaki , Assistant Professor
Stavroula Laspita, Assistant Professor
Thomas Siskou , Assistant Professor
Antonis Tsitouras , Assistant Professor
Prodromos Tsinaslanidis, Assistant Professor
Nikolaos Tsounis, Professor

For the remaining years of study:
Prodromos Tsinaslanidis, Assistant Professor

Koronaki Eirini , Assistant Professor

For the students of the former T.E.I. - Department of International Trade:

Thomas Siskou , Assistant Professor

The Academic Advisor provides students with the necessary support to meet the requirements of their studies at the University.
The Academic Advisor arranges regular meetings with the undertaken students and not less than two (2) times a semester. Their duties include:
o Identifying the students’ needs and interests, supporting the students’ inclinations and skills and urging them to follow the areas that suit them.
o Facilitating their transition from secondary to higher education.
o Facilitate the student's contacts with university authorities and administrative bodies and services.
o Assisting in the preparation of their individual semester curriculum.
o Providing information on issues related to the students’ professional orientation, based on their interests and the continuation of their academic career (eg postgraduate studies in Greece and abroad).
o Locating students who have failed many courses.
o Caring for and drawing up a plan for these students.
o The Academic Advisor of each Department will organize at least 1 one-day-conference per academic semester. Details for the conference are posted on the main page of the Department, ten working days before it is held, under the care and supervision of the Study Advisor. The minimum content in the public announcement includes:
• The general description of the Conference
• The name and contact details of the speaker of the Conference
• The time and place of the Conference
• The electronic way to register for the Conference
• The deadline for registration
• The way the Conference is evaluated by the participants in it
Prior to the event, the Study Advisor, in collaboration with MODIP, plans the manner and content of the evaluation of the Conference.
All professors can be appointed Academic Advisers by the Department Assembly.
Students, especially freshmen, are encouraged to have frequent meetings with Academic Advisers, to better organize their curriculum and solve related problems. The final responsibility for their choices in matters of study lies with the students themselves.
The teaching staff, the administrative staff, the Laboratory Directors and the Presidents of the Departments, as well as the competent services of the Foundation cooperate and support the Academic Advisers in their work, while taking into account their information, observations, suggestions and requests, for any shortcomings, malfunctions that create problems for students and any suggestions for dealing with them.
For the students’ substantial support in issues related to their studies, the cooperation of each Department’s Academic Advisor with the Student Support Unit of Vulnerable Groups is necessary.

Procedure of contacting the Academic Advisor

  • Students are informed from the Department’s website about the Academic Advisor and are expected to send an electronic application.
  • The Academic Advisor contacts the student and through an electronic zoom platform an appointment is made for personal discussion, support and guidance.
  • The Academic Advisor fills in an electronic form with the student's personal details, the questions asked and the conclusions that emerged from the discussion.
  • The Academic Advisor is expected to maintain a database with the students’ names, the meetings’ dates and the type of discussion held.
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